Det forrige South Park-spil fra 2014, South Park: The Stick of Truth lod dig ikke spille som pige, men det gør det nye South Park: Fractured but Whole.

Nu har medskaberen af South Park, Matt Stone, delt nogle detaljer, om hvorfor denne valgmulighed ikke var tilgængelig i det første spil. Samt hvad dette har af betydning for det opfølgende spil.

“In Stick of Truth we got halfway through the game, and we had narratively come up with the big Girls’ Quest halfway through it. [The Girls] were a faction in the fantasy world,” fortalte han Entertainment Weekly (via Kotaku). “And then someone’s like, ‘What if you want to be a girl?’ Narratively, it didn’t work. We’d have to sh**can the whole game. So we just left it the way it was. This time, we obviously wanted to add that.”

Ergo, blev de mødt med kompleksiteter og vanskeligheder under arbejdet med The Fractured But Whole.

“The boys are little boys, because it’s really a story about little boys running around,” Siger Stone. “So they don’t care about [your character being a girl]? That seems weird. They always seemed to care about it in the show. Are they dumb about it, and they don’t know? So you’re in hiding? Or do they totally care about that, and totally treat you differently? So we ended up doing those things differently for different characters.”

Som han hentyder til, så involverede det en del mere arbejde, at introducere muligheden for at spille som hunkøn. Han refererede til The Division, hvor karaktererne behandler dig ens uanset hvilket køn, du spiller som. Men i The Fractured But Whole kan du regne med en skræddersyet oplevelse afhængig af hvilket køn, du vælger.

“I’m also playing The Division–I’m not just saying that because it’s Ubisoft. I made the character look like my wife, just because I thought that was funny, running around New York shooting people, looking like my wife,” Siger Stone. “But the game doesn’t treat you that differently. The guys still shoot you. That’s cool for that kind of game. It’s been a funny journey to go through, introducing something that we thought would just be a cool feature [for The Fractured But Whole]. You’re a girl! But now they’re going to treat you different.”

Matt Stone siger, at han plejer at spille som pige i andre spil, når valgmuligheden er der. Han tror også at det bliver populært i The Fractured But Whole.

“We figured everyone’s gonna pick it,” Siger han.

Du kan læse hele Entertainment Weekly interviewet her.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole udkommer den 6. december til Playstation 4, Xbox One og PC. Det nye spil er udviklet internt af Ubisoft San Francisco, i modstætning til det første spil, der var udviklet af Obsidian Entertainment, som bl.a. er kendt for Fallout: New Vegas.