Hvis I syntes det kunne være fedt at spille 4 sammen i Watch Dogs 2, så er dette nyheden der skal følges med i.
Det bliver nemlig snart en mulighed i Watch Dogs 2, at spille sammen med 3 andre. Den næste opdatering til Watch Dogs 2 indeholder nemlig en 4 Player Party mode, hvor man som navnet ligger op til, spiller 4 sammen på en gang. I får en lille opdatering her om hvad den nye game mode går ud på:
How will it work? Players can start a public or private party with room for up to four friends (or strangers, if you use matchmaking). From there, the party is free to explore San Francisco. “The cops will be there. You could try to take down the Red Zones. Everything that’s in the city of San Francisco will be there, so you can immediately have some fun exploring San Francisco with four people” Young says. “Then, at any time, you can launch the activities that support the 4-player Party – Bounties, Invasions, Loot Trucks, Races, Showd0wn, Man VS Machine Robot Fights, and the DedSec Virus events are all available for you to have fun with.”
Den officielle Ubisoft Blog har skrevet en masse om det, og det kan I se ved at klikke her.
Den opdatering der lukker op for 4 Player Party Mode bliver frigivet den 4. Juli.