Når Dark Souls Remastered udkommer 25. maj så bliver det sammen med en amiibo baseret på Solaire of Astora. Figuren står i posituren “Praise the Sun” og benytter du denne amiibo så kan dette anvende fra starten af spillet. Dark Souls Remastered kommer til Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One og Steam.
Another good news for players, they will be able to participate in a “network test” on Nintendo Switch™, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One. This free network teswill allow them to download and play a part of DARK SOULS: REMASTERED before the launch to try out the gameplay and unique online features. More details about the network test will be revealed soon.
DARK SOULS: REMASTERED will be available on May 25th, 2018 for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and STEAM® for PC. The special amiibo will also be available on the official store https://store.bandainamcoent.