Der er netop annonceret en Limited Boxed Edition til spillet Life is Strange, og den er ret lækker.
I kan se her hvad den indeholder:
- All versions (PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) include a game disc.
- The PC version will also come with a Steam code to register to your account. You will still be able to install most of the game from the disc, but any future updates will automatically be downloaded via Steam.
- The soundtrack will feature on its own CD, so you will be able to play it on most media devices.
- The Directors’ Commentary included with all versions of the game contains footage of the development team providing insight and discussing major elements themes as they revisit key moments of the series.
Hvis i vil se billede af, hvad indeholdet er, så kan i da kigge med her:
Der er endda en trailer til denne udgivelse, og den kan i selvfølgelig se i toppen af nyheden her.
Den 22. Januar 2016 kan denne lækre udgivelse nydes på PC, PlayStation 4 og Xbox One.
Glæder i jer til den udgives?