Mange spil går Free to Play vejen. Nu kan vi skrive H1Z1 på den liste også.

Daybreak Game Company som står bag H1Z1 har netop løftet sløret for at spillet går Free to Play vejen:

“We are very excited to announce that H1Z1 will be free to play starting today. Not only does this decision allow us to share our version of Battle Royale and Auto Royale with even more players, but it signifies the next step in making H1Z1 a must-watch esport. The Pro League is going to redefine esports when it kicks off in Las Vegas this April, and whether a person is an aspiring pro athlete or just wants to play with friends, we want everyone to have the chance to play the most competitive battle royale game,”

Så allerede nu kan I give den gas i H1Z1. Hvis du er en af dem der har købt spillet, skal du ikke føle dig snydt. For hvis man har købt det får man en “Appreciation Pack” som indeholder en masse godter til spillet, som en tak fra holdet af.