Efter udgivelsen på Windows, Linux og PlayStation 4 så kan Kalypso Media annoncerer at Sudden Strike 4 også er ude til Mac på Mac App Store. Det er en helt ny udgivelsen og hverken et reboot eller en redux version. Du kan læse mere nedenfor:
Developed as a fully-fledged series entry and not a remake or reboot, Sudden Strike 4 sends you off on three extensive campaigns set amongst the battlefields of World War II. Commanding the British and American, German or Soviet armies, you will lead over 100 different units into battle, including the German Heinkel He111 bomber, the Russian T-34 tank, the British Hawker Typhoon fighter plane and even the notorious German Panzerkampfwagen VI “Tiger”.
In a first for the Sudden Strike series, you can now choose from one of nine individual commanders, such as George Patton or Bernard Montgomery, whose unique military doctrines unlock valuable command and combat abilities for your troops.
Prove your tactical expertise in over 20 demanding single player scenarios, the challenge-focused skirmish mode, and the competitive multiplayer mode. A new reward system awards the player for clever play with skill points and bonus unlockable content.
Sudden Strike 4 offers countless ways to vanquish your opponents. Exploit the weak spots of tanks, set up an ambush, occupy buildings with infantry and snipers, out manoeuvre the enemy with clever positioning or unleash devastating air support – how you approach each mission is up to you!