Indie studiet Primal Seed har nu deres necromancy action RPG/roguelike Never Mourn ude på Steam i Early Access. Der er selvfølgelig en trailer som du kan se her under. Du finder spillet her:

– How To Necromancy 101 –

Equipped with the Staff of Equilibrium and an arsenal of powerful spells, simply mow down waves of enemies and do your bit for the planet by recycling them into your minions. Or, if that foe had been particularly aggravating, you can banish them for good. You have the power!

– Bringing Roguelikes Back To Life – 

“We wanted to make a necromancer game that we couldn’t find anywhere else, a game in which you revive the enemies as they were when you fought them, not just generic skeletons,”  says Enrique Pons del Rey, the creative director at Primal Seed. 

– Hello Darkness –

The burden of being a battle necromancer is a heavy one. Players will experience a dark narrative in an immersive fantasy world, weaving in themes of loss, revenge, and resurrection as they journey through the game