Så er der kun en uge til at du kan spille udvidelsen Kobolds & Catacombs til Hearthstone. Du finder en oversigt med alle de nye kort her: https://playhearthstone.com/en-gb/expansions-adventures/kobolds-and-catacombs/cards
Starting December 8 players can delve deep into an unexplored underground realm packed with malignant monsters, terrifying traps, and treasures beyond imagination in Hearthstone’s newest expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs.
Here’s what’s in store:
- Dungeon Runs—free single-player content featuring 48 different possible encounters and decks that grow in power as you fight your way through the catacombs
- 135 new cards
- A new Keyword: Recruit
- New card types: Spellstones and Unidentified Items
- A random Legendary Weapon card and three Kobolds & Catacombs card packs free, just for logging in after release
- Three sequential one-time Dungeon Run quests, each awarding one Kobolds & Catacombs card pack for a total of three more free packs.