En ny udvidelse lander snart til Arma 3. Det fejrer vi med at fortælle lidt om den.
Ud over den trailer vi deler, er der en masse info omkring denne udvidelse:
- Singleplayer campaign “First Contact” – You are a member of a NATO training deployment to a remote region of Livonia, presented with a mysterious event that will forever change the face of human history.
- 163 km2 Livonia terrain – A temperate summer environment set in a partly abandoned militarized region of the (fictional) Eastern European country of Livonia.
- 2 Factions – Livonian Defense Force and Russian Spetsnaz, who are equipped with their own gear, and made complete with reskinned variants of existing Arma 3 assets, new character faces, and Polish or Russian radio protocols.
- 5 Weapons – Promet Assault Rifle, RPK-12 Light Machine Gun, AKU-12 Carbine, Mk14 Classic Hunting Rifle, and Kozlice Shotgun – most of which come with various attachments and camo paints.
- 2 Vehicles – ED-1 Mini UGV (a small electric tracked robot with a modular chassis and swivel arm that comes in both a Science and Demining variant) plus the Tractor.
- Gear – CBRN clothing, masks and backpacks, Spectrum Device, radio backpack, blindfold, and tin foil hat.
- Multiplayer Scenarios – Additional Zeus Game Master, Combat Patrol, and Warlords scenarios for the new Livonia terrain.
- Free Bonus Content – NATO woodland camouflage, civilian clothing, 100+ decorative props and terrain objects, and more. These will be made available for free to all owners of Arma 3.
Denne udvidelse til Arma 3 hedder “Contact” og den udgives på Steam den 25. juli.