Der er under dette års GamesCom afsløret en masse gode ting til Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Siege.
Det er ikke bare en lille smule, men en længere liste med gode nye ting der sker i spillet, så vi deler hermed den fulde information om, de nye ting der er i Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Siege:
Spectator Cam
- With Spectator Cam, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege offers the possibility for an 11th player to participate in 5 vs. 5 multiplayer games as an observer and watch the match in real time. In addition to the traditional first-person view, Spectator Cam introduces Tactical View, an interactive viewpoint that allows players to automatically follow individual players over the map and observe all players, teams and objectives. Spectator Cam will offer players a real-time overview of team strategies and player tactics that will make watching multiplayer matches both entertaining and informative.
- A beta form of Spectator Cam will be available for LAN and custom online games for Windows PC at launch on October 13 and for Xbox One and PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system in early 2016.
GSG 9 Unit Operators
- The surgically lethal German GSG 9 counter-terrorism unit contains four unique operators:
- Bandit – Highly resourceful and adaptive, Bandit carries a Crude Electrical Device consisting of a car battery wired to an electroshock weapon that electrifies barbwire and metallic surfaces.
- litz – With his imposing physique, Blitz is a front lines expert who uses a ballistic shield that provides mobile cover with a row of eight flashbangs that fire to disorient targets when entering or breaching a hostile environment.
- IQ – IQ is a brilliant electrical engineer. She has a wrist-mounted sensor that detects any mobile or fixed electronic devices within range by sweeping the electromagnetic spectrum for signals and providing visual and audio feedback.
- Jäger – A technician with an affinity for complex machinery, Jäger is armed with a mountable ADS-MK IV “Magpie” that can deploy a projectile to neutralize incoming projectiles.
Vi vil også lige dele den nyeste trailer fra spillet, som er sluppet ud under dette års GamesCom.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Siege udgives den 13. Oktober i år til Playstation 4, Xbox One og PC.