Så er den officelle annoncering fra HTC ude i forbindelse med Game Developers Conference 2018. Det betyder at det allerede bliver i år at HTC Vive Focus rammer butikkerne. Desuden kommer det nye VR-headset fra HTC Vive “Vive PRO HMD” på markedet den 5. april og lanceres med seks måneders gratis Viveport-abonnement. VIVE PRO HMD vil kunne købes i butikkerne for € 879. Prisen på den nuværende Vive reduceres til € 599 (ca. 4.450 kr.) i hele Europa. Vive Pro købt senest den 3. juni, leveres desuden med et seks måneders gratis Viveport-abonnement, hvor der fra de mere end 400 titler, kan vælges op til 5 titler pr. måned.
Desuden er der uddelt priser på GDC 2018 og vi har sakset hele pressemeddelelsen her:
Built upon Vive Wave, our open VR platform and toolset that is unifying the development experience for standalone and mobile VR devices, along with Viveport as its content platform, Vive Focus is designed to appeal to a wider range of mass market audiences as well as commercial/enterprise users who want broad deployment and stunning VR experiences in a convenient and portable form factor.
In addition, developers who bring content to Viveport in China for either Vive Focus or PC-based Vive, will receive 100% rev-share from title sales and Viveport subscription in China between April and September 2018. Viveport continues to be the best platform for VR developers, and this rev-share opportunity is just another way in which we are empowering developers to create the best VR content, not matter what hardware device.
Also, at GDC 2018, we hosted our 2nd annual Viveport Developer Awards (VDAs) .[LINK FROM PAUL] , where five first place winners were each awarded $50,000, and five second place winners were awarded $20,000. The categories and winners are listed below, all of which are currently available on Viveport. Come meet the VDA winners on Thursday during our panel at GDC:
- The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone (First Place Winner)
- The Wizards
- Bartender VR Simulator
- OVERVIEW (First Place Winner)
Arts & Culture
- Galactic Gallery
- The Kremer Collection VR Museum (First Place Winner)
- Gravity Sketch VR (First Place Winner)
- Primitive
- BattleSky VR
- REGENESIS Arcade DELUXE (First Place Winner)
The winners for the VDAs in China are:
- Reboant, by Darklord – Best Vive Game
- A.D. 2047, by Recano – Best Vive Immersive Experience
- SpaceCode, by Lenqiy – Best Vive Industry Application
- Spark of Light, by Pillow’s Willow – Best WAVE Game
- YoukuVR, by Youku – Best WAVE Immersive Experience
- Vive Auto, by YCVR – Best WAVE Industry Application