Kova er ROCCAT’s mest allround mus. Den er symetrisk og dermed lige god uanset om du er venstre- eller højre-håndet. Den har samtidig lidt flere knapper som giver 20 mulige funktioner. Kova er nu ude i en AIMO udgave så du i kan få lys effekter som matcher dine andre ROCCAT AIMO enheder. Vejledene pris er 499 kr.
It represents the latest addition to the AIMO family and boasts 16.8 million discrete color options. AIMO is both a lighting engine and an ecosystem at once. Its functionality grows based on the number of compatible devices connected and presents vivid, state-of-the-art illumination scenarios without the need for configuration. With the Kova AIMO the lighting is showcased on the robust Titan wheel and newly revamped logo.