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The Legends edition includes the following bonuses:

–        André Agassi is playable, as well as his 1995 outfit

–        John McEnroe is playable, as well as his 1990 outfit

–        Roger Federer’s Wilson Pro Staff 97RF racket is available in Career mode

–        The Wilson Pro Staff 97 racket is available in Career mode

–        An exclusive trainer providing an experience bonus

–        The “legend” title in multiplayer mode

–        5 aptitude cards

–        Roger Federer’s Nike “Spring 2018” outfit is available in Career mode

Starting now, players can preorder the game’s Standard edition in stores and enjoy the following bonuses:

–        André Agassi is playable, as well as his 1995 outfit

–        Roger Federer’s Wilson Pro Staff 97RF racket is available in Career mode

Tennis World Tour will be available May 22nd on PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.