Der er nu mulighed for at følge i  FBI’s fodspor for at fange Unabomberen i denne virtuelle oplevelse til HTC Vive.

As part of the Vive Arts initiative, Vive Studios has teamed up with Immersion and the Newseum to launch Unabomber: The Virtual Reality Experience, now available on Viveport.

Originally shown in the Newseum, Unabomber: The Virtual Reality Experience allows users to join the FBI Task Force in charge of investigating one of the most challenging domestic terrorist cases in US history. The educational narrative explores the challenges of fighting crime in the age of terrorism, journalistic ethics, and the role of the press and the public in working with the law enforcement community.  In this experience, players will investigate and interact with the evidence that helped solve the case and explore the primitive cabin where the Unabomber was captured. The at-home experience also includes additional interviews, videos, and evidence to review to gain a deeper understanding of the decades long case.

The experience is now available on Viveport for £4.24 and will be available on Steam at a later date.