Vi starter lige med at Crystal Dynamics er fyldt 25 år. Du kan se højdepunkter fra deres mange spil hvor det mest kendte er Tomb Raider i videoklippet nedenfor. Selvom det er spændende ser jeg mere frem til The Avengers Project som vi har trailer for øverst. Det bliver et projekt der kommer til at løbe over flere år og med flere udgivelser. Det bliver et tredjepersons action spil med sociale online muligheder. Nederst har vi den officielle pressemeddelelse.
The developer began its 25th year in a newly redesigned, state-of-the-art facility that includes a fully equipped motion capture stage, six soundproof audio rooms, a dailies review room featuring a 4K HDR TV setup, a photogrammetry capture space, a full 4K HDR Dolby Atmos™ equipped theater, and more.
Embracing a diverse staff of the industry’s best, many of whom have been tenured for over 15 years, industry leader Crystal Dynamics has developed and published over 30 award-winning titles during its 25-year adventure. Some of the most beloved franchises include Gex™, Legacy of Kain and most recently Tomb Raider, which has now sold over 63 million copies worldwide including 11 million units for Tomb Raider (2013) and more than 7 million units for Rise of the Tomb Raider®. In collaboration with Marvel, the studio is currently hard at work on the highly anticipated ‘Avengers’ project, which was announced earlier this year.
“Crystal occupies a special place in the games industry. Over a third of our team have been with the studio for more than 5 years, and several have been here for more than 20 years, which makes us a tightly knitted team,” said Ron Rosenberg, Head of Studio.“Over the years, many industry luminaries have worked at Crystal and contributed to the creative culture that our current rock star developers embody and evolve. From the very beginning, we’ve shared a common goal of crafting incredible character-driven games, and 25 years later that flame of innovation burns brighter than ever.”