Medusa’s Labyrinth har glædet mange gamere verden over, og nu vil det med sikkerhed glæde endnu flere.

Vi kan nemlig med stor glæde præsenterer Medusa’s Labyrinth VR som netop er udgivet. Spillet vil understøtte Oculus Touch og HTC Vive. I kan se traileren til spillet vedhæftet nyheden her. Og vil I se den officielle udmelding om dette spil, så er det her I skal læse med:

Skövde, Sweden – May 25, 2017 – Guru Games unleashes a whole new level of terror in Ancient Greece today with the launch of Medusa’s Labyrinth on VR for Oculus Touch and HTC Vive. Downloaded over 250,000 times on Steam, Medusa’s Labyrinth immerses players in a beautiful yet terrifying environment where they must survive the horrors of the labyrinth in order to discover its sinister secrets and make it out alive.

“From the beginning we’ve always thought that Medusa’s Labyrinth would be a terrifying experience on VR”, said CEO of Guru Games, Daniel Strom. “It’s a great use of the technology to completely immerse you in this creepy environment and really make you jump out of your skin. We highly recommend it to horror fans”.

Medusa’s Labyrinth VR er som sagt ude til Oculus Touch og HTC Vive og kan købes på Steam.