Så er opdatering 1.8.0 ude og den mest spændende nye ting er Server Browser. Som det bliver forklaret i videoen ovenfor så skal man nok have spillet shootere i 90’erne eller 00’erne for at kende det begreb. Se mere overfor og resumé her:
A new patch is now live on the Overwatch PTR, bringing some exciting changes to the game. Highlights from patch 1.8.0 include:
· Server Browser — This new feature is an extension of Overwatch‘s Custom Game mode, allowing you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes, creating your own tailor-made server
· Capture the Flag — Capture the Rooster has been Overwatch’s most popular brawl, and now it’s here to stay as the ongoing Capture the Flag game mode in the Arcade
· Hero Updates — Plenty of improvements have been made to Overwatch’s heroes, including Bastion, which is now stronger and more flexible with the move of power from Configuration: Sentry to Recon