Så er der flere detaljer fra Friday the 13th hvor du bl.a. får den helt nye udgivelsestrailer og en oversigt over de forskellige udgaver af Jason Voorheers. Faktisk så lad os lægge ud med traileren der viser Tom Savini fortolkning af Jason Voorhees.
Nedenfor finder du stats på mange af figurerene.
Counselor Stats Revealed
Fresh out of balancing discussions, we have a detailed breakdown of the counselors stats. There still may be some minor tweaks to these stats leading right up to launch, but this list is pretty dang close to what you’ll experience when we launch on May 26th.
Bonus: You’ll find some clothing options and perks info on these screens too.
Here’s a taste of 4 solid counselor choices.

Jason Stats Revealed!
We can’t reveal the counselor stats without spending some time to go over our boy Jason’s stats as well. Below you will find screenshots for some of our Jason characters.

J2 Strengths
- Can Run – Pretty self-explanatory. 😉
- Traps – This Jason starts with more traps than others. Right now, that number is 6.
- Morph – Faster cooldown, so he can morph more frequently than other Jasons.
J2 Weaknesses
- Shift – Slower cooldown on this ability.
- Defense – This Jason has lower HP and lower chance to successfully block attacks.
- Waterspeed – This Jason is very slow in the water.

J8 Strengths
- Water Speed – Very fast in water, slightly faster that the boat. 😉
- Destruction – Reduced amount of hits required to break doors/walls.
- Stalk – This Jason can remain in “Stalk” longer than others.
J8 Weaknesses
- Sense – Once sense is activated, it doesn’t last very long for this Jason.
- Can’t Run – Can fast walk, but can’t run like J2 and J3.
- Grip Strength – Counselors can break free from this Jason’s grasp faster than others.

J9 Strengths
- Shift – Faster cooldown on this ability.
- Stun Resistance – The chance this Jason will be stunned will be lower.
- Stalk – This Jason can remain in “Stalk” longer than others.
J9 Weaknesses
- Can’t Run – Can fast walk, but can’t run like J2 and J3.
- Less Hit Points – This Jason has lower HP than other Jasons.
- Traps – This Jason only has 2 traps to use.

Savini Jason Strengths
- Shift – Faster cooldown on this ability.
- Weapon Strength – This Jason can deal more damage with his weapon against counselors.
- Destruction – Reduced amount of hits required to break doors/walls.
Savini Jason Weaknesses
- Water Speed – This Jason is very slow in the water.
- Can’t Run – Can fast walk, but can’t run like J2 and J3.
- Grip Strength – Counselors can break free from this Jason’s grasp faster than others.