Dreii er et gåde og opgave spil baseret på fysikkens love og det er nu ude til en bred vifte af platforme. Du finder det på Steam til PC, Mac, Linux, AppStore til iOS og Google Play Store til Android. Det er cross platform hvor du løser opgaver med andre på tværs af de platforme spillet er udgivet på. Vi har sakset pressemeddelelensen:
“We can’t wait to see desktop, mobile and tablet players, working collectively to solve Dreii’s geometric physics puzzles. Dreii is founded on one thing – connecting players in real-time across the world to help one another in a battle against gravity”, said Game Designer Christian Etter. “The launch is the first phase of the Dreii rollout and we are excited to be releasing Dreii on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Wii U soon”.
In Dreii your mission is simple: build a tower to a specified point and hold it there. Sounds too easy? Like anything in life, things get in the way of reaching your goals, including gravity, explosives, magnetism, thunderstorms and incompetent colleagues. Featuring true cross-platform play, Dreii allows friends to play on different desktop and mobile devices to unite and work together in their battle with blocks.
What’s more, Dreii is not only cross-platform but cross-cultural with a universal communication tool that allows players to speak to others, wherever they are in the world with simple words that get translated into 19 different languages. Each player also has his or her very own instrument, as avatars work together to form Dreii’s unique universal orchestra, creating a unique musical landscape, inspired by archaic instruments and ancient melodies.