Der er dømt fuldstændig 4 spiller lokal multiplayer vanvid når Move or Die rammer Steam i januar. Det er udvikleren der kalder sig Those Awesome Guys fra Bukarest i Rumænien der står bag denne underholdende titel hvor du hele tiden skal bevæge dig for ikke at dø. Reglerne ændres fra bane til bane som du kan se af videoklippet ovenfor. Vi har sakset fra pressemeddelelsen.
Du finder det her:
Move or Die Key Features Include:
- Four-Player Local/Online Multiplayer and Offline Practice Modes
Play as one of several outrageous characters on the couch with friends, online against people from around the world or battle devious bots offline. - Game Modes Galore
Choose from an always increasing variety of hilarious game modes that quickly change each round to match the intense lightning-paced gameplay. - Leveling-Up System
Acquire crazy skins for your character and unlock new game modes as you squash your opponents. - Amusing Visual Style and Killer Tunes
Get your blood pumping with vibrant 2D graphics, as well as a head-bobbing soundtrack by Jacob Lincke. - Controller and Keyboard Support
Play with a controller, keyboard…or…the guitar and drums from Guitar Hero. Your choice. (Although, we recommend a controller :))