Hvis du spiller MOBA spillet Paragon bliver du ikke glad for at læse denne nyhed.
Epic Games som står bag storhittet Fortnite har meldt ud at de lukker helt ned for MOBA spillet Paragon. I kan se den officielle udmelding her:
Hey Everyone,
It’s with heavy hearts we’ve decided to close down Paragon.
We truly appreciate everything you’ve put into Paragon. We received many passionate ideas for where to take the game; the outpouring of thoughtful suggestions is another testament to this incredible community.
After careful consideration, and many difficult internal debates, we feel there isn’t a clear path for us to grow Paragon into a MOBA that retains enough players to be sustainable.
We didn’t execute well enough to deliver on the promise of Paragon. We have failed you — despite the team’s incredibly hard work — and we’re sorry.
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