Square Enix har danske Io-Interactive’s berejste lejemorder, Agent 47, ude som beta. Den får du adgang til hvis du har forudbestilt spillet der udkommer 11. marts. Det er en prolog til handlingen i Paris og du får to forskellige missioner hvor du kan træne indtil du for alvor skal i aktion til marts. Du kan stadig når at få adgang ved at forudbestille på PSN. Vi har sakset pressemeddelelsen:
The only way to guarantee your access to the HITMAN Beta this weekend is to pre-order the game digitally on PlayStation 4 via PSN. Alternatively, you can pre-order the Collector’s Edition.
Access to the HITMAN Beta is available for the pre-orders of the Full Experience, Intro Pack and Collector’s Edition.
HITMAN will launch on March 11th for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC. The HITMAN beta starts on February 12th through February 14th on PlayStation 4 and February 19th through February 21ston PC. Players can guarantee access to the beta by pre-ordering the Full Experience or the new Intro Pack.
All pre-orders will also include the ‘classic’ REQUIEM pack which includes exclusive in-game digital items inspired by Hitman: Blood Money including the Requiem Legacy white suit, Blood Money shirt, tie and gloves, silenced ICA-19 chrome and white rubber duck explosive.
PlayStation users exclusively will also gain access to The Sarajevo Six. 6 Bonus Contracts, one of which will be released with each location and sees Agent 47 travel the world in pursuit of six former members of a paramilitary unit called CICADA in this self-contained side-story exclusive for PlayStation 4 users.