Der har liget været kåret spil ved Game Awards 2017 og her har Bethesda brugt anledning til at slå et slag for spil der er rettet mod single player. De har selv stået for en stor del og samtidig så er der mulighed for at købe titler til halv pris. Det er selvfølgelig svært at lave Pay-2-Win med masser af mikro transaktioner i denne type så det kan være derfor de får mindre fokus end halv dårlige multiplayer titler. Vi bringer her opråbet og minder om at der er masser af underholdning i at redde Player 1. Ud over det som Bethesda har udgivet så er der titler som Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7, Assassins Creed Origins, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Portal 2, Dying Light, XCOM 2, Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor. Og der er mange flere.
Gaming, like life, is often about social interaction – a time to join with others in a common cause, or to simply exorcise a few demons with some cathartic virtual carnage. But sometimes you just need a little time away. A place where you can go to escape the vicissitudes of everyday life. And that’s where a great single-player game comes in.
Once upon a time, these solitary experiences dominated the gaming landscape. But in recent years, with multiplayer on the rise, single-player games have become fewer in number. Meanwhile, the community has been clamoring for more single-player games, and the media has penned a panoply of pieces bemoaning the loss of single-player experiences. But never fear! Bethesda is here to help. In a new video that debuted at The Game Awards, starring none other than Lynda Carter, we share our vision for saving the single player.
So whether you pick up Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, The Evil Within 2, Prey, Dishonored 2, DOOM, Fallout 4: Game of the Year, Skyrim Special Edition – or all of the above – rest assured that Bethesda has you covered with a critically acclaimed, award-winning single-player game that’s just what you need.
In the coming weeks, we’ll also be sharing your stories about single-player games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more. So be sure to join in the fun with the hashtag: #SavePlayer1
Saving the single-player isn’t just about making great games. We’re also giving everyone a chance to enjoy our games at a very special price. Through this weekend, our recent catalog of single-player games is on sale for up to 50% digitally, as well as at select retailers. Now’s your chance to stock up and save – and embark on an epic single-player journey this holiday season.